OFFER during a limited ammount of time:

Book a FREE call with an expert

For FREE right now (Normal price 970 SEK)

Book a consultation

Book a completely unconditional conversation with one of our Experts so that we can familiarize ourselves with your situation and help you map out and secure your future. We have 22 years of experience in investing with Cryptocurrencies, Stocks and Forex.

Feel free to contact us if you are interested in other types of investments, such as real estate, where we have 30 years of experience.

Möte med en expert

What the meeting will contain:

1. Get to know each other

We get to know each other. We tell you about us and what we can actually offer you. We then familiarize ourselves with your situation and look at what our starting points are. Here we also go through things such as how much time you have to invest, what kind of start-up capital you have and knowledge, etc.

2. Your goals and dreams

When we know what we have as a starting point, we can look at what your goals and dreams are. Here we set your goals for the months and years ahead. This is to be able to know which means we should use.

3. Setting up a plan and guaranteed results

When we know what your starting point is, and what your goals are, we set up a plan. We adapt the entire process so that it suits you and your possibilities. Here we have a large selection of proven strategies to get you where you want to go with minimal risk.

4. Exklusive bonuses

In addition to all this, you can of course ask all the questions you can think of. Take the opportunity to speak with someone who is an expert in the field, with over 22 years of experience.
* When we part ways with the meeting, we also give you an exclusive opportunity to try our funds free of charge for 1 month to see if you like it!
skakar hand Affiliate program Kommande event
We also give you an exclusive opportunity to try our funds free of charge for 1 month to see if you like it!
P&D Group Investments & educations

We help ypu trough every step of the way

Communication and good customer service are the keys to success. We value each individual at the top of our agenda. Do not hesitate to contact us.

"They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”

Andy Warhol

Read more about our courses

Read about our training clubs we run in Stocks, Forex and Crypto. Your Trading Club & Your Crypto Club

What we are

Decades Of Experience​

P&D Group has been helping people from Sweden take control of their financial security since 20. Our purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. In pursuit of this, a focus on long-term sustainability is embedded in our operations. We are dedicated to helping customers, employees and communities achieve long-term financial well-being.

Real estate & other investments

Read more about our properties and other investments. Contact us for more information.

Nothing to lose, everything to win:

Book you fREE call now
